"Spring Chatter"
Oil - 18 x 30 - in progress
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Over the months away from this one, I experienced some disquiet about my treatment of the water's flow, and after seeing it again, decided to go with a good scraping and another try. It takes a little courage, but trusting what I'm seeing in the subject is what makes it possible. My heart is much happier with this new approach. Still the middle section of the water to go for next year.

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"Spring Chatter" - easel
Oil - 18 x 30 - in progress
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Here's my easel at work in mid-March and my canvas shows a freshly scraped water area, so that I could chase after this year's foreground water.

one more below

This fallen tree was one of a trio at its small corner in the stream. I'll miss you, buddy! When it uprooted and fell over, it brought its adjacent understory bush with it. I couldn't rework the center water area because of this, and so I'll just have to be curious about what things might look when I get back to it next year ...