"Path into the New"
Oil - 24 x 30 - in progress
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Here is my progress for this season on a piece that's been tugging at me for a while. The subject is the forest showing its annual renewal, and growth into the new version of itself for the year. It's a very short season, probably about 2 weeks proper ... but padded on both sides for a little extra? It may take a while, but I chose a good-sized canvas because I think it will be worth it.

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"Path into the New"

- easel

Oil - 24 x 30 - in progress
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We all can guess that to watch a single leaf grow would be difficult in how slowly it happens. And yet as the artist working on this painting, the most natural thing to say even when showing up the next day is: "Oh no, they're growing so fast." While the two things are both true, the second one sure helps me paint as fast as I can ...

one more

I really appreciated this forest friend saying: "These trees look nice." Well, that's how I'm interpreting this moment anyway ... a day 1 visit and souvenir of encouragement

: >)