"Restful Spring"
Oil - 12 x 16 - in progress
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This is the same tree pair as my summertime piece titled: "Beside Restful Waters." It's a spot that just feels good to me, and I appreciate the tranquility that lives here in spring also. It's fun to explore the same place at different times of year through painting. The lower left is unfinished, and I'll look forward to getting back to this next spring.

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"Restful Spring"- easel

Here's my easel at work from an angle that shows the glitter effect I wanted to include. This spot is beside soccer fields and a nature trail, so it's very good for getting to pet dogs and say hi to their owners. Everyone is in a good mood because the sun is shining, the stream is flowing, and we're all outside : >)

Although ... about 1 in 25 dogs or so doesn't like the painting hat ... darn that wicked Witch of the West, she ruined wide-brimmed hats for all of us! It's alright Toto, I understand.