"Our Crucifix" - in progress
Oil - 40 x 30
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I am so very grateful to our Monsignor and our church's team, for trusting me and my drop-cloth, and for helping me have time in our sanctuary to paint this meditation. I had gotten to a point where it felt like I could no-longer "not do" this painting. Here it is after a handful of winter weeks. It is a winter time project for me, to be able to paint from life, while our great outdoors are a bit chilly.

This painting is proceeding in a "top down" method. The upper parts are somewhat finished down to the arms and chest of Christ, and then we are seeing the "sketch phase" of the work for the middle and lower parts.


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During the germination phase of this inspiration, I noticed how much I like how the morning light fills up the windows with brightness and vivid color. This effect dims the crucifix some, and obscures the image of our Lord. It struck me that this effect added power to the meditation in a less-is-more sort of way, and so that is the path I'm taking with this piece. Naturally, this is not the only way to view or appreciate this subject, but it is the one that created a meaningful response in me.

Here is Day 1 with one small funny detail ... if you tip your head to the left, you can see the stream painting I had begun on this linen, but whitewashed after discontinuing it ... thanks leaves and water, but we've got another plan for you : >)




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  It's hard not to love the colorful windows in our church, but when I arrived for my second day of working on this, I had one of those well-timed inklings of: "Wait a minute, what is the point of this painting again?" I find having a working title from the beginning to be helpful in retaining clarity of purpose. And so, I spent some more time with my viewfinder, looking, thinking, feeling, looking, and got out my paper-towel eraser and recomposed everything around my priorities a little better. I had to let go of a little bit of fun with the windows for a little more of my subject. It's good to remember that sometimes more actually can be more : >)  
  Arranging all of the shapes within the cross, and within the windows to help start the contrast that this piece will be about: the sacrifice, and the joyousness both in heaven and on earth that it has been accomplished, along with all of its meanings.  
  I started at the top to establish the main colors and contrasts between the ceiling, the back wall, and the crucifix. Once I went through a few adjustments and got them comfortably set, they have become the key for everything to follow. I got to work inside the cross a little past Easter, and then it was time to wrap it up for the season. My outdoor work began again, but I will certainly look forward to returning for more of this rich meditation when the weather cools in late autumn or so ...  
  Amen, and Peace be with you.