Oil - 12.5 x 21 - in progress
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Ahhh ... bright March sun and my favorite painting spot ... but alas! The sun was hiding a lot this last spring here, and the water's flow was higher the entire time, which just didn't match this lower-flow version. I was able to finish the rocks on the lower left, though. Hope to see you next year sun sparkles!

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"Marchshhhhh" - easel
Oil - 12.5 x 21 - in progress
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This photo shows my canvas clamped so I could paint the lower left corner unimpeded. It also shows the higher flow that remained through this whole season. My approach will be to start another canvas next year for high-flow days, and keep this one as is for lower-flow periods. I love how with painting, a "problem" just leads to more good painting experiences ... still such bittersweet parting, dear painting spot

: >)